Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Course Reflection and Feedback

So here I am finally doing my last post... Yay! The real challenge now is to put into practice all the things I have learned and to somehow work the various tools into my teaching practice. I have to be honest and say that I will probably only use a third of the different tools that we have looked at. Partly because I feel like I will really have to master them before I can attempt to introduce it to my students in the classroom.

As I mentioned in another post I had trouble leaving comments on people's blogs but was finally able to leave one on Jake Degeling's... here is the link:

Web 2 and the iLearn model - I'm loving the idea that learning can be done anywhere and anytime! The thing that rings true to me most is a quote from the iLearn video is that "people learn best when they are engaged and challenged to learn". But I am going to play the devil's advocate here and say what about the students who don't have the basic foundations for learning? ie literacy and numeracy. I only say this because the majority of students I work with don't have these basic skills. So would it be possible to engage them and for them to learn using blogs and Delicious if they can't even read properly??? Tools like podcasting, vodcasting, school tube etc, have merit for students that have trouble reading, but again, do we engage them in learning with things like these or do we go RIGHT back to basics and teach them how to read and write the old school way??? I think it might be a bit of both...

Web 2 and Bloom's Taxonomy -
Do you find this adaptation of Blooms to digital technology helpful in planning your curriculum? I like the examples that are given for each of the key terms of Bloom's taxonomy. I can already see several examples of where I might be able to slot in activities that are sepcific to my subject area. But I would want to sit down and really nut out a whole unit of work based around this rather than just come up with random stuff.
Where would you place other tools such as Second Life, Flikr or Mind mapping on this map? I think Second Life would fit best under the "creating" heading as it is largely based on designing and constructing, Flickr would be best suited to "applying" as it involves uploading and sharing while Mind mapping and Bubbl.us would fit into the "understanding" and "analysing" areas as it involves summarising and deconstructing.

I'm happy that I got the chance to give this a go and I hope my entries made sense (they were done late at night between nappy changing and feeding my 4 month old!). Like I said, the challenge now will be for me to remember everything and apply it in a meaningful way to my lessons. That and keeping up with the ever evolving and changing approaches to learning! 

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