Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Module 7

So I'm having a fair bit of trouble commenting on other people's blogs... Does anyone else have this problem? I've tried on about 4 different blogs but as soon as I press the "Post" button it says that my current account doesn't have access to view the page... What's that about?!?! How annoying.

Anyway, the idea of social bookmarking seems like a really good way of having access to particular websites from any computer. I have heaps of favourites on my computer at home that are perfect for my subject area but always forget them when I'm at work... Problem solved!

I think it's amazing that we can have access to all these different types of technology and services in the "cloud". My husband told me about it a while ago but I thought it was just a thing for big computer geeks... Looks like I've just joined the club then! Hehe.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to computer geekdom. It is a friendly place, but not much talking goes on. A lot of typing though.

    Clouds are pretty cool though. And I too like the social bookmarking. You should post a link in a post so I can add you to my delicious. Here is my link: http://www.delicious.com/jaapie.

    I like the jelly beans!
